Horticulture farming is often referred to as one of the potential pillars for the Lesotho’s economy. The sector emerges as a key tool in achieving economic growth and poverty reduction and its potential to meet the increasing demand for food, depends largely on the productivity and market access of small farms. However, smallholder farmers in Lesotho are predominantly resource-poor and their participation in commercialized production is generally limited by various institutional, technical and investment constraints.

With the increase lack of agricultural production resources, smallholder farmers try to find the means to simultaneously guarantee household food security and maximize income from agriculture. The notion of organizing these farmers in to a producer networks is very imperative and can be one of the means for smallholder farmers to overcome market imperfections. To mitigate the challenges faced by farmers in horticulture farming which in most cases come with working in isolation leading to decreased profitability and productivity. The small holders farmers are encouraged to form or organize in to groups. When smallholders and other resource-poor agricultural producers work together it becomes easier to access farming inputs such as seeds, plant material, water, fertilizers and pesticides, and to aggregate produce to reach larger markets. Farmers are then able to reduce costs and improve their bargaining power. And when farmers thrive, they’re better positioned to improve their food security and move out of poverty. Other players in food systems benefit too.

Specific activities we do for the farmer

  • Negotiate with formalized markets on behalf of the producers;
  • Assist smallholder producers in increasing their collective self-help capacities and their negotiating skills;
  • Lobby and advocate for the rights of farmers with the general goal of improving horticultural sub sector in Lesotho.
  • Organize smallholder producers in order to achieve economies of scale;
  • Provide short trainings to the farmers to build their skill capacity
  • Conduct exchange/ field visits for the farmers for knowledge transfer