LENAFU vision and mission are coherent and respond clearly to the challenges of a farmers in Lesotho. The main challenge is unheard voice of fragmented and weak farmers’ sector.
General challenges facing the agriculture and food security sector in Lesotho

Empower and organize farmers for profitable agriculture and effective policy engagement.
Lesotho where a farmer excels in production and other value chain aspects to sufficiently meet own needs and adequately satisfy markets
LENAFU principles
LENAFU was formed to unite farmers into a vibrant solidarity platform that shall amplify their voice in transforming agriculture in Lesotho. This emanates from a premise that agriculture in the country is fast deteriorating and potential of farmers to reverse the situation thwarted in the sophistication of bureaucratic implementation agencies of otherwise well-expressed policy intentions.
Our principles
- – Equal participation
- – Accountability and transparency
- – Inclusiveness and relevance
- – Mutual respect and trust
- – Integrity and confidentiality
- – Collective ownership and equality
- – Effective and accurate representation of members’ interest
STRATEGIC PILLAR 1: Farmer mobilisation, mentoring and empowerment
To strengthen farmers work in the various components of agriculture in Lesotho |
Strategic objective
Support farmer initiatives to maximise production, penetrate markets and get profitable returns.
Key Areas:
- – Develop, maintain and utilise farmers’ catalogue with profiles for intensified commodity production, coordination and market planning;
- – Train and provide targeted back up support to farmers to maximise their potential in their specific areas of involvement in agriculture;
- – Research on, expose farmers to and link them with different stakeholders and opportunities in value chain
- – Promote active participation of youth, women, people with disabilities and other vulnerable sectors of society in agriculture
STRATEGIC PILLAR 2: Advocacy & policy engagement
To break barriers to the realisation of farmers’ needs and make their voices heard in the policy discourse in Lesotho |
Strategic Objective: represent farmers and demand policy response to their challenges
Key Areas:
- – Do research on farmers’ challenges and opportunities and advocate for policy response.
- – Train members on evidence based advocacy and support localised action;
- – Take stock of and study policies that have bearing on agriculture and map necessary advocacy, implementation and monitoring action;
- – Advocate for farmer-led policy response & implementation on farmers access to inputs, markets, finance, insurance and other enabling credit support ;
- – Demand sufficient farmer representation in the determination of agricultural sector policy, agricultural national mid-term and annual policy prioritisation & budget, annual farming planning & evaluation;
- – Campaign for farmer centred resource centre planning and management fully aligned to the local government dispensation;
- – Run periodic, joint and time-bound campaigns on various issues concern to farmers.
- – Amplify Lesotho farmers’ voice on national, regional, continental and global issues.
STRATEGIC PILLAR 3: Building farmers movement
To develop a strong and reliable platform able to articulate and act upon farmers needs at local and national level |
Strategic Objective: Unionise all farmers and capacitate district, commodity, non-state and other emerging farmer categories to advance their representation function
Key Areas:
- – Support participatory development and implementation of LENAFU affiliate strategic plans feeding into the national strategy;
- – Use affiliates to advocate for effective extension services on new technologies, climate change adaptation strategies, right subsidy targeting, fair distribution of opportunities;
- – Train affiliates on evidence based advocacy that informs local and national advocacy programme;
- – Collect and disseminate market, pricing and other necessary farmer related information to affiliates;
- – Support affiliates to carry out farmers profiling and promotion for local and eventually national and regional markets;
- – Unionise unaffiliated farmers, incorporate and promote emerging commodity/industries such as machinery, bee and agricultural service groups e.g marketing groups.
STRATEGIC PILLAR 4: Research and Communication
To collect/solicit knowledge and provide up-to-date, reliable and farmer user-friendly information to LENAFU fraternity |
Strategic Objective: To find latest developments in various sectors of agriculture and inform LENAFU membership promptly for timeous action to mitigate danger and maximise opportunities. |
Key Areas:
- – Develop a repertoire of relevant agri-news, repackage and devise means of making them easily accessible to LENAFU affiliates and farmers directly;
- – Devise info/news share and dialogue among farmers and between them and leaders and service providers;
- – Digitise farmer communication through conventional and social media & communication
- – Put products and other aspects of work of LENAFU members on the public space and promote buy local slogans and campaigns;
- – Popularise work of LENAFU members and promote members’ products.