Soil and water conservation form the primary responsibility of Lesotho farmers as these link most directly with crop production in the sense that agriculture takes place in soils that need conservation, and to the livestock sub–sector since extensive production takes place in range lands. Soil erosion is a major problem especially in the lowland zones of Lesotho.

Lateral expansion of gullies reduces the area of cultivable land while sheet erosion reduced the productivity of land. Degradation in rangelands is primarily attributed to weak institutional arrangements and to poor grazing management practices.

What we do as LENAFU to help in land management.

  • Encourage communities to form Grazing Associations, and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders empower and strengthen their capacity to enable them to draw up implement and monitor the grazing management plans.
  • Train farmers on sustainable land management; train members of the grazing associations, on running of the associations and livestock herders on management of the range resources.
  • LENAFU encourages communities to undertake land rehabilitation measures especially when the rangelands are badly degraded and badly in need of reseeding to regain carrying capacity and improve water resource availability.
  • Train farmers on, and motivate for implementation of conservation agriculture to minimize the loss of soil moisture and fertility capacity of the soil for crop production.
  • Promote active participation of youth, women, People With Disabilities and other vulnerable
  • Do research on farmers’ challenges and opportunities; advocate for policy response on land tenure system including applicability of Land Act;